Lucid Dream
/ ˈlu sɪd ˈdrim /
A dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or she is dreaming and is able to control or influence the course of the dream.
To the dreamers.
You wake up. The world feels different. You look around and you realise that the things you see weren’t always there. Your bed, your computer, that monument, that building…
People made them happen.
It then dawns on you that the world around you is, in fact, malleable. Everything that you call ‘life’ was made up by people no different to you; it was made up by those who dreamed. You understand that you can change it, you can influence it and you can bring new creations to life for the world to use.
The Lucid Dreamers are those we choose to partner with. The ones with grit. With obsession. With optimism. The ones who bring their creation into the world through sheer force of will. The ones who take control over their dreams.
The ones who know that the world they see today is not the one that will be.
We partner with these individuals from inception. Sometimes before there is a team in place. Often before a company is even created. This stage is our world. Our past experience investing in 50+ companies at this stage alone has given us focus. We don’t do anything else. This period is just as much art as it is science. It is where we have chosen to perfect our craft.
Our approach won’t resonate with everyone. We will push you. We will be direct. We will be brutally honest. In a world where capital is commoditised, we focus on 1:1 relationships. We each only make 2 to 3 investments per year. We are all in on you.
We’re a GP only team of hungry underdogs based between Berlin and London. We’ve all built companies, but now Lucid is our dream. It took our own tenacity to bring it into existence. We are here to win - are you?
Lucid Dream
/ ˈlu sɪd ˈdrim /
A dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or she is dreaming and is able to control or influence the course of the dream.
To the dreamers.
You wake up. The world feels different. You look around and you realise that the things you see weren’t always there. Your bed, your computer, that monument, that building…
People made them happen.
It then dawns on you that the world around you is, in fact, malleable. Everything that you call ‘life’ was made up by people no different to you; it was made up by those who dreamed. You understand that you can change it, you can influence it and you can bring new creations to life for the world to use.
The Lucid Dreamers are those we choose to partner with. The ones with grit. With obsession. With optimism. The ones who bring their creation into the world through sheer force of will. The ones who take control over their dreams.
The ones who know that the world they see today is not the one that will be.
We partner with these individuals from inception. Sometimes before there is a team in place. Often before a company is even created. This stage is our world. Our past experience investing in 50+ companies at this stage alone has given us focus. We don’t do anything else. This period is just as much art as it is science. It is where we have chosen to perfect our craft.
Our approach won’t resonate with everyone. We will push you. We will be direct. We will be brutally honest. In a world where capital is commoditised, we focus on 1:1 relationships. We each only make 2 to 3 investments per year. We are all in on you.
We’re a GP only team of hungry underdogs based between Berlin and London. We’ve all built companies, but now Lucid is our dream. It took our own tenacity to bring it into existence. We are here to win - are you?